Friday, January 21, 2011


I can consider my kid brother as a pro in photography. By definition this is true, since he is making money out of this hobby. Perhaps more than that from him practicing law???

  • Make money selling images (Getty Images - ring a bell?)
  • Getting paid for events photographer
  • Make money conducting crash courses
  • Make money tutoring
  • Selling photography hardwares and such
  • Make money bringing people to exotic locations (local and overseas) for shooting
  • Shoot nude babes (?) - I think he has to pay the model for this
***Tapi, hutang aku bila nak bayar daaa....

Anyway, selepas operasi menembak motocross selesai, kami ke tempat menembak matahari pulok...

Tak jauh, di Seberang Takir saja

Masalah ni... nyamuk! taik kucing banyak! tak sempat maghrib karang! aku tak pandai setting! kasut kotor!

Berkat ketabahan sang adik mengajor si abang, berjaya jugok aku snap a few... consider okay lah, bila take into account aku tak cukup kelengkapan seperti neutral density grad filter, steady tripod dan seumpamanya.

Amacam? Not bad eh. 

I am not going to write down his tips, because I can't remember them. Haha

For that, Mr Google will kindly tell you


Maka pada awal tahun 2011, aku ikut adik aku si loyar cum fotographer buat shooting. Dia dengan Nikon D90 nya, aku dengan Lumix GF1 micro 4/3

Orang ada kamera, aku pun beli lah juga

Orang plan, shot and photoshop, aku shot, and tengok and keep or delete! haha

Tempat ni di Kuala Terengganu, tak jauh dari stadium runtuh tu.

Anyway, it was fun watching the pros in action, both the stunt riders and the photographers

After a short briefing session, off we went!

Here are my pics - unedited of course (except some cropping saja)

Riders and their machines

#1  - take off

#2 - float away

#3 - try to land!
Wow! Selalunya tengok stunt macam ni dalam TV ja. Rupanya anak muda kita pun ramai yang berkebolehan. Syabas. Sukan yang sehat dan tidak membahayakan orang lain!

Simple stunt, senget2 kan hendal sebelum cecah tanah

doa! selamat!
 Syabas sekali lagi anak muda. Kekal kan aktif. Jauhi dadah! hehe takde kena mengena.

Perasan tak, my shots are from two angles only? Itu lah namanya photographer amateur pemalas. Terpacak sini sekejap, lepas tu ke sana sekejap. I got bored after 15 minutes...

Actually I am not a photographer, and so aren't thousands of us. Aku ni cuma a guy with an expensive camera. Jangan terasa...

My kid brader was somewhere here and there and everywhere. He is really taking photography seriously, making some money I hope (tapi hutang dengan aku dia belum bayor wehhh - takpe lah, adik..)

And then we went for shooting sunset pulak! ....